Application process- pointers


33 roundtables and consultations are being set up in analogy to the 33 chapters of the Acquis to be negotiated as part of the Partnership Platform for European Integration. Each table is coordinated by the GNPIE of the Ministry / Institution that is responsible for respective chapters. The coordinating institution opens the call for expressions of interest to be involved in one or more roundtables that the institution coordinates – using various means of information. The chapter of the EU Acquis should serve as a basis for identifying stakeholders. The chapter in question should identify the institutions involved and the areas of policy and legal change – based on the National Plan for European Integration. Entities that may have an interest or influence on policies and legal changes that are part of the legislation being harmonized with the EU Acquis and the European integration agenda may apply using a letter of interest and CV. The letter of interest should include background information about the entity and concrete steps about how it plans to contribute in the roundtables. Evaluation of applications is performed by the respective GNPIE for each chapter. Stakeholder analysis is performed using the Matrix with its two indicators: Significance and Impact. Applicants will receive their results via e-mail.