Official statements about the European Integration Partnership Platform


The political decision taken by the Council on March 25, 2020 opened accession negotiations between Albania and European Union. Our country is now preparing for an important milestone such as the First Intergovernmental Conference as it embodies the technical aspect of this process. The pre-screening process which has to do with the harmonization of legislation with EU Acquis has started with explanatory meetings for 33 chapters and the dialogue and interaction between state and non-state institutions has been mandatory. With regards to that, the European Integration Partnership Platform (EIPP) was established under Decision no.749 date 19.12.2019, VKM-no.749-dt.19.12.2018, of the Council of Ministers “Regarding the creation, organization and functioning of state structures concerning accession negotiations and conclusion of the Accession Treaty of the Republic of Albania in European Union.” It aims to make possible the involvement and engagement of civil society actors, private sector, academia, social partners, and other interest groups in informing, consulting and monitoring the accession negotiations of the country. The stakeholders will get the opportunity to provide expertise according to their area of competence and corresponding to the Acquis chapters. It will also assist the Government of Albania with the harmonization of the national legislation with the EU acquis and increase the capacities of the involved structures in the accession negotiations process. The forms of participation, functioning and institutional structure of the Partnership Platform for European Integration are approved by order of the Prime Minister. These Discussion Tables aim to establish steady and efficient strategies that will raise public awareness and provide more information for the access negotiation process.