Gap assessment and support to bilateral screening


Summary Note

Main facts & Figures

    1. On 8 June 2021, a workshop was organised by the Support to the EU Integration Process of Albania (SEI) project titled TOWARDS EU ACCESSION NEGOTIATIONS: PREPARING FOR BILATERAL SCREENING.The event was co – chaired by Sofjan Jaupaj, Adviser of the Chief Negotiator Office; Stefano Cominelli, SEI Project Manager from the EU Delegation to Albania; Admira Jorgji, Director of the EU Directorate at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs; Klaudijus Maniokas, the project Team Leader and Florian Xhafa the project Key Expert.
    2. 11 Quality assesment Reports covering chapter 2,5,7,11,14,15,18,19,23,24 and 32 were prepared in collaboration with the lead institution by international and local short-term experts mobilised by the project team to perform the quality check and draw recommendations on the bilateral screening process.
    3. A power point presentation, from all experts, addressing all the findings of the report and proposing recommendations was presented during the second session of the workshop and potential gey areas discussed among all involved stakeholders in the process.
    4. The participation in this event was limited to 50 persons due to the Covid 19 restriction measures involving only the main institutions part of this process as follows: i) Chief Negotiator Office; ii) EUD; iii) MEFA EU directorate coordinators; iv) chapters’ lead institution and technical staff; and v) respective technical assistance in the area.
    5. Other Technical Assistances covering chapter 1,3,12, 20, 27 and 28 that have been in the process before SEI project started the implementation presented the work done so far, the contribution provided in the sector and their findings associated with recommendations.
    6. The workshop was finalised with a discussion session where all participants raised their questions and concerns which where all addressed.
    7. The workshop outputs, PPT. presentations, where shared with the main beneficiary for feedback and will be disseminated to all participants at a latter stage.

    Substance of the Workshop

    1. The SEI Project Activities in focus during the workshop were:
      1. Activity 1.1 – Preparing a gap analysis on the EU approximation of the existing legislative framework in selected areas.
      2. Activity 1.2 – Preparing an institutional and administrative gap assessments of the administrative structure.
      3. Activity 3.2 – Assisting MEFA and institutions (line ministries, independent agencies etc.) in preparing the NPEI
    2. The Purpose of SEI Project Activities in focus is:
      Support in ensuring preparation of relevant high-quality presentations for the Bilateral Screening for the chapters in the scope of the SEI project.
    3. The Tasks under this assignment are:
    4. The Quality Assessment Reports prepared by the Team of Senior and Junior Experts for each specific Chapters were based on:
      1. The work already carried out by the IIWGs for the respective chapter;
      2. The list of the “acquis” provided / explained by the EU Commission for that chapter during the Explanatory Screening;
      3. The new acquis / recommendations identified / provided during the respective SAA sub-committees relevant for these chapters;
      4. The recommendations / findings in the Annual Report of the European Commission;
      5. The existing plans for the respective chapter(s) in the National Plan of European Integration for 2021-2023 (NPEI);
      6. The screening reports for the respective chapters for Montenegro and Serbia.
    5. The Main Preliminary Findings of the Quality Assessment Reports prepared by the Team of Senior and Junior Experts for each specific Chapters are:
      1. There are more achievements than those reported and included in LGAs and IAGAs!
      2. There is no need to address all the acquis, but address most important gaps and make the process doable!
      3. The interconnection between Chapters should be explored and made visible!
      4. The process of preparation is perceived as a “sprint” while it is a “long distance run”!
      5. The link between NPEI and LGAs and IAGAs should be synchronised!
      6. The addressing of institutional and administrative alignment should not be oriented toward establishment of new structures rather than proper distribution of functions!
      7. The path toward integration and alignment in each Chapter should follow clear policy choices!